Frequently Asked Questions
Do you take Credit?
Yes, we accept cash, check, EBT SNAP cards, and credit (Visa & Mastercard).
Do you accept SNAP benefits?
Yes, for eligable items we are able to accept SNAP EBT benefits.
Do you have gift certificates?
Yes, come on in and a cashier will be happy to help you!
When are you open for the season?
We typically open our greenhouses late April or early May. "The MAiZE" typically opens mid September. It varies from year to year so keep your eyes peeled for announcements on our home page.
When do you start selling produce?
Our produce is typically available around mid to late June. Check our home page regularly, or “like” us on Facebook for exact updates.
Do you have u-pick Strawberries?
I'm sorry, we no longer grow our own strawberries. However, we do order in local strawberries for sale and grow Fall Raspberries, with U-Pick hours available. See the produce tab for more information.
When is your sweet corn ready?
In New York, sweet corn is typically ready late July, early August, but like any crop weather can play a big factor.
Can we have a hay ride at “Night MAiZE?”
I’m sorry, but due to the nature of our driveway and the increased traffic during “Night MAiZE” we believe it is safest if we do not offer any of the extra weekend activities after dusk.
Can we do the Jumping Pillow, Pumpkin Blaster, Cow Train, Friendly Fire, Hayride, Corn Cannon, during the week?
I'm sorry, on weekdays during the fall we are very busy harvesting potatoes, squash, pumpkins and more! Unfortunately this means we must limit our extra attractions to only Saturday and Sunday, and Columbus holidays. However, "The MAiZE," does have weekday hours.